According to our current plan (which is very much subject to change!), our documentary follows a young child who lives in Rwinkwavu, one of the poorest regions of the country, during a typical day. In a life marked by extreme poverty, soccer becomes a way to escape daily hardship, and, more simply, a way to have fun. Through interviews with other characters ranging from kids playing on a club team to their coach to the soccer commissioner for the entire country, our film explores other aspects of the role that soccer plays in Rwanda. It looks at how soccer was used to help overcome ethnic tensions after the 1994 genocide, and at how it is used to help overcome gender inequality. Ultimately, we hope that our film will reveal the hope that soccer represents in this country.
Our documentary blends this story line about soccer and Rwandan culture with the story of our own trip in Rwinkwavu. It follows the ups and downs of the creation of this film, and it examines the experience of being a stranger in a completely different society.